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Your One to One

Your weekly or bi-weekly (depending on your preference) one to one with your manager is one of the most important parts of your week in Navidium. You should be speaking with your manager on a daily basis but having this time set aside allows for topics to be discussed that can easily be overlooked in daily conversation.

Purpose of your One to One

  • Time to give and receive feedback
  • Not only reserved for work matters. Talking about life outside of work is also strongly encouraged.
  • It's encouraged to keep a list through the week on anything that pops up that you think would be good to talk to your manager about.
  • A manager will never cancel this meeting (possibly move it) although you are welcome to cancel it if you don't want it on a certain occasion.

Personal Development Plan

Everyone in Navidium will hold a personal development plan between them and their direct manager. This is a super simple plan that helps facilitate proactive discussions on how Navidium can help you learn and try new things.

The format for this is as follows and will be followed up on in at least one of your one to ones every month. We expect this to change a lot over time but just having this written down facilitates great development conversations between you and your manager

Format Example

In x Time I would like to Achieve

3 Months

  • Finished x course online
  • Got release x.x finished and delivered to customers
  • Deployed my new testing infrastructure

6 Months

  • Started to get some insight / involvement with the data science team

1 Year

  • Contributed my first line of code to a data science repository
  • Taken Feature Responsibility for a feature on my product team
  • Presented at 3 internal lunch & learns

3 Years

  • Become a senior in the organisation
  • Have been a "buddy" for new people joining

Colleague Feedback Forms

Once a quarter we open up feedback forms for everyone in Navidium. Anyone in the company has the ability to give feedback on their colleagues. We really enjoy the process as it gives us the opportunity to evaluate ourselves and also give good feedback to others we work with

Feedback Forms